Director, Health Management Services, (Primary Health Care) at Public Service Commission Kenya (PSCK)

Duties and Responsibilities

The Director, Health Management Services will head the Primary Health Care Directorate.  Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

  • Spearheading formulation, development, dissemination and advocacy for policies, standards, guidelines and frameworks on Primary health care, School Health and Nutrition & Dietetic;
  • Providing technical support and capacity building on Primary Health care programs;
  • Developing implementation framework for an integrated primary health care system;
  • Coordinating and collaborating with partners and stakeholders;
  • Developing framework for commodity security to support primary health care;
  • Performance monitoring of Primary Healthcare indicators;
  • Conducting periodic assessment of the implementation of Primary Health Care in collaboration with relevant stakeholders; and
  • Conducting operational research in Primary Health Care programs

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  • Served for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which should be in the grade of  Deputy  Director Medical Services, Pharmaceutical Services/Senior Pharmaceutical Specialist, Dental Services, Environmental Health, Public Health, Nutrition & Dietetics; CSG 6 and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service or private sector;
  • A Bachelors degree in any of the following fields: Medicine and Surgery; Pharmacy (B pharm); Dental Surgery (BDS): Environmental Health; Public Health; Nutrition and Dietetics; or any other relevant health related field from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Masters of Science in any of the following fields: Medicine, Epidemiology, Pathology, Environmental Health, Public Health, Pharmacy, Community Health, Health System Management, or any other relevant Health related field from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Registration certificate by relevant professional body where applicable;
  • A Valid practicing license form relevant professional body where applicable;
  • Demonstrated managerial and administrative capability and professional competence in work performance and results; and
  • Exhibited a thorough understanding of national development policies, goals and objectives and ability to integrate them into the Primary Health Care Function